Posts tagged ‘Fado Irish Pub’

July 3, 2010

Brazil vs. Netherlands

Brazilian and Dutch fans celebrate together after the Netherlands victory

Paying respect to the national anthem before the match

A sea of yellow and orange jerseys swells in Fado Irish pub getting ready for the 9am start of the match pitting Brasil against Netherlands in the World Cup. A quick scan of the tables at 8:30 and most people are drinking coffee and water so far. Only a few pints and bloody marys.

As the game kicks in, the drinks start coming out en masse. Bloodies, mimosas, pints and pints and pints. Brazil takes an early 1-0 lead, but both teams look strong in the first half. I’m joining the crowd with a bloody. It’s spicy magic is loosening the grips of the vicious hangover brought on by my beer binge last night. Gentle vibrations tingle the angry nerves to sleep. The alcohol dances with its contrarian cousin, caffeine, to give me that precious morning buzz that can’t quite be matched any other time of the day.

Remember when you were a teenager just starting to drink? Remember how you could actually feel the effects of alcohol as it started to take control? That sweet numbness that tickled your cheeks and lips? What happened to that? Why is it the – now sober, now drunk paradigm is in effect now that we are older? Why can’t we appreciate the creeping in between stages as much as we did when we were kids? Well, the coffee, vodka, beer buzz in the morning gives an approximation. A lovely, delicious approximation of youth.

Here’s what Fado puts in a bloody mary:

  • Well vodka – no surprise
  • Mister P’s bloody mary mix – never heard of it
  • HP sauce – cause it’s an Irish pub, and the Brits love that shit
  • Tabasco – standard
  • Guinness – again, Irish pub and a nice touch
  • Miscellaneous spices that you would expect
  • Garnished with a lime and an olive

Tasty. Down right respectable.

Second half of the match was a vicious fight. The Dutch dominated and ultimately prevailed. Brazil had to finish with a man down onna accounta a red card gettin thrown. The Netherlands deserved this one. They looked fantastic.

The crowd here is insane! The entire match was raucous. Absolutely packed pub almost equally split between orange and yellow. (As an aside, Brazilian women are frickin gorgeous.)  Vuvuzelas blaring, screaming, chanting, singing, jumping, high-fives, hugs. Public camaraderie. We’re sharing this moment in an exuberant, joyful way. Fans on both signs respectfully cheering and enjoying the battle. No animosity, just the pure pleasure that sport brings. Well, alcohol fueled  to boot. At the end of stoppage time the Brazilian fans embraced the Dutch with flags wrapped around shoulders. Conga lines sprouted and Jack and the Beanstock vined through the pub. Absolute jubilation.

Here it is. My prediction – Netherlands vs. Germany in the final. Germany wins 3-2. Yep. I said it. Mark it down.

As lovely as the bloody was, I had to move on to Smithwick. A fine Irish ale. I’ll keep these going until the Ghana v. Uruguay match at 1:30. God bless the World Cup. God bless the fans tht make this soooooo fun. God bless the drink the lubricates the soul and sings along with our happiness for competition. Long live sport. Long live drink.

What do you drink watchin the World Cup?